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by helpneeder
14 May 2023 09:20
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: Can't open any files
Replies: 3
Views: 925

Re: Can't open any files

@Verzweifelter i dont know if this is helpful but here is a solution for a similar problem that helped me: my scenario: i am running arch linux and have a network mount defined in my /etc/fstab // /BASTA cifs auto,x-systemd.automount,cache=none,vers=2.1,rw,gid=998,uid=1000,guest,ioch...
by helpneeder
18 Oct 2006 12:48
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: change images in HTTP-Interface
Replies: 0
Views: 1107

change images in HTTP-Interface

hi! after doing a backup of the 'original' HTTP-Interface i tried to modify the existing html-code to my special whishes: +) i want to play only audio-files directly from my harddisk +) the only functions i need are: play/pause and seek (without playlist, video, streaming......) +) playing new files...

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