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by defcomllc
07 Jun 2017 16:35
Forum: Scripting VLC in lua
Topic: Play with Hotkey Multiple Instances of VLC
Replies: 1
Views: 1486

Play with Hotkey Multiple Instances of VLC

Can someone help me create a script to allow me to have multiple instances of VLC open on a Windows 10 computer and be able to use a single hot key to start/pause all the instances at the same time. I will have anywhere from 3-8 instances open at once, dragged onto different monitors with a differen...
by defcomllc
07 Jun 2017 16:30
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Multiple Instances on single Win10 Play/Pause with Hotkey
Replies: 3
Views: 410

Re: Multiple Instances on single Win10 Play/Pause with Hotkey

It would be a huge help if someone could tell me how to script getting VLC to play all instances that are open with a single hotkey like space bar....
by defcomllc
04 Jun 2017 21:41
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Multiple Instances on single Win10 Play/Pause with Hotkey
Replies: 3
Views: 410

Multiple Instances on single Win10 Play/Pause with Hotkey

I am trying to play different videos at the same time on the same Windows 10 Pro x64 computer across 5 to 8 projectors and getting them to all start at the same time with a single Hotkey... I am able to open as many instances of VLC as I need and drag them onto the projector I want them on and I can...

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