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by myown94
17 May 2017 00:49
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: C# AxVLCPlugin2.attahEvent() not defined?
Replies: 2
Views: 758

Re: C# AxVLCPlugin2.attahEvent() not defined?

I finally figured it out. For whatever reason the attachEvent/detachEvent functions dont exist in the xvlc.dll v1. But there are custom event handlers for every event. For example: DVLCEvents_MediaPlayerTimeChangedEventHandler(FooBar); Some of the event handlers though are a part of System.EventHand...
by myown94
16 May 2017 22:13
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: C# AxVLCPlugin2.attahEvent() not defined?
Replies: 2
Views: 758

C# AxVLCPlugin2.attahEvent() not defined?

Hello, I'm developing a c# app and im using the axvlc control but i cant access the attachEvent()/detachEvent() functions because apparently they're not defined.
I have the using AxAXVLC directive. Other functions work fine like AxVLCPlugin2.playlist.add() etc.
Please point me in the right direction.

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