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by practik
04 May 2017 23:32
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: is batch conversion in VLC 3 a real thing?
Replies: 3
Views: 1624

is batch conversion in VLC 3 a real thing?

According to "Batch convert is supported via the GUI in VLC 3.0.0 If you cannot wait, download a nightly build." I did that, but I still don't see any way to do a batch conversion. I also scanned all the issues marked as enhan...
by practik
04 May 2017 23:18
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: bug? update error when VLC is in /Applications/[subfolder]
Replies: 2
Views: 440

Re: bug? update error when VLC is in /Applications/[subfolder]

Never mind: I've updated to the latest nightly of 3.0.0, and the problem doesn't exist there.
by practik
03 May 2017 21:39
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: bug? update error when VLC is in /Applications/[subfolder]
Replies: 2
Views: 440

bug? update error when VLC is in /Applications/[subfolder]

When I first installed VLC, I put it and its documentation in a new subfolder, /Applications/VLC/. (I do the same thing with other apps too, just to have a place to put the readmes etc.) That's never created any problems for me until today, when I tried to check for updates and got this error messag...

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