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by fourpointsix
13 Mar 2017 18:28
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: h264 display resolution 2 pixels taller = green band
Replies: 2
Views: 1870

Re: h264 display resolution 2 pixels taller = green band

The green band is no longer present in the latest nightly release (3.0.0-20170313-0506). Thank you! It still shows "Buffer dimensions: 704x482" though. Obviously it's an internal thing and doesn't affect the output anymore but I'm curious why it's being processed at those dimensions. It se...
by fourpointsix
13 Mar 2017 11:03
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: h264 display resolution 2 pixels taller = green band
Replies: 2
Views: 1870

h264 display resolution 2 pixels taller = green band

VLC 2.2.4 (Windows) is interpreting an h264 video as being 2 pixels taller than it is, resulting in a green line a the bottom of the video. I've searched google and this board and while I've found posts that touch on similar problems, I cannot find a clear explanation or a solution. Context I transc...

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