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by squeaker
24 Mar 2017 21:28
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: How do I crop a stream for an image wall?
Replies: 3
Views: 2393

Re: How do I crop a stream for an image wall?

Fixed, thanks. Unfortunately, it still doesn't work: $ vlc --video-splitter wall --wall-cols 2 --wall-rows 2 --video-filter croppadd --croppadd-cropright 240 --croppadd-cropleft 240 http://fatbot:8080/stream.mp4 VLC media player 3.0.0-git Vetinari (revision 2.2.0-git-10582-g9eb9eb0bd2) [0000560457a9...
by squeaker
08 Mar 2017 21:13
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: How do I crop a stream for an image wall?
Replies: 3
Views: 2393

How do I crop a stream for an image wall?

I'm streaming a 1080p webcam from a Raspberry Pi 1. The stream coming from the webcam is already h264 encoded , so the pi is basically just a means of spewing data from the webcam to the network. Since the original pi is so limited in processing power, I'd prefer that it doesn't try to do any prepro...

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