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by jerzeeg
04 Feb 2017 23:15
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: tvOS - external subtitles files and encoding issues
Replies: 13
Views: 14403

Re: tvOS - external subtitles files and encoding issues

Encoding was not OK for any subtitles I tried so far.
Anyway here is one example - I got the subtitles from following web, feel free to download it: ... y/#content
version (should not matter):
by jerzeeg
03 Feb 2017 13:36
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: tvOS - external subtitles files and encoding issues
Replies: 13
Views: 14403

Re: tvOS - external subtitles files and encoding issues

Well there might be some general issue..
I am trying Infuse player for tvOS and there is same problem as well..
by jerzeeg
27 Jan 2017 15:46
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: tvOS - external subtitles files and encoding issues
Replies: 13
Views: 14403

tvOS - external subtitles files and encoding issues

Hi, I searched this thread a bit, but did not find any clear answer, so I would like to ask here about my issues. I am using 4th generation Apple TV connected to Synology NAS. I tried the both NAS UPnP and NAS SMB to access the files and there are following issues with subtitles: 1) Subtitles in ext...

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