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by badhras
30 Nov 2016 12:30
Forum: ​VLC for Windows Store​
Topic: trouble building UWP version
Replies: 3
Views: 4513

Re: trouble building UWP version

Hi and thanks for your detailed reply. I've migrated the dev environment to 14393, and I'm using git to clone the entire vlc-winrt repo to a h:\_src\vlc-winrt folder. I strongly agree with your recommendation to git clone . FWIW, the README doesn't me...
by badhras
23 Nov 2016 03:31
Forum: ​VLC for Windows Store​
Topic: trouble building UWP version
Replies: 3
Views: 4513

trouble building UWP version

I'm running into a few problems with building. I am using Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 10/Build 10586. ISSUE #1 Extract the libVLC contents from the archive to vlc/<os>/vlc-<platform>/<configuration> <os> is either Windows, Windows Phone or Universal (Universal *includes* W10M) <platform> is either...

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