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by manaphy
18 Nov 2016 08:30
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Saving Stream to File Using libvlc
Replies: 3
Views: 967

Re: Saving Stream to File Using libvlc

There doesn't seem to be any error other than "core input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called" and "decode_slice_header error". Since the functions I'm using are undocumented, I wonder if they are right for my purpose? And I'm using libvlc_media_player_play to play the stream at the s...
by manaphy
17 Nov 2016 14:55
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Saving Stream to File Using libvlc
Replies: 3
Views: 967

Saving Stream to File Using libvlc

Hello, I want to save an RTSP stream to a file using libvlc but I'm having some problems. Below is the code fragment I use: libvlc_vlm_add_broadcast(vlc, "test", testUrl, "#transcode{vcodec=h264,venc=x264{cfr=16},scale=1,acodec=mp4a,ab=160,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:file{

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