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by BOB Void
12 Nov 2016 17:40
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: sout-mux-caching
Replies: 4
Views: 13584

Re: sout-mux-caching

Hello i have some problems whith caching. I am under linux (whithout gui) and i would like enable cache on the client. In other words make a buffer on the client : pré chaging a part of the mp4. I don't really unserstand where i have to put the caching argument : on the web page or on the server com...
by BOB Void
12 Nov 2016 14:22
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Embed and control vlc in Firefox with Javascript
Replies: 14
Views: 24616

Re: Embed and control vlc in Firefox with Javascript

Hello, I re-activate the post beacuse i have some problems with vlc on web page. I use the code proposed in a previous post, but seek and back of don't work. I use an mp4 and not an avi then i don't understand why ?? What happen : when i click back of 5 seconds it continue to play from the last time...

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