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by flybirdinsky
11 Nov 2016 13:25
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Develop VLC plugin using .dll or .so instead of .a
Replies: 3
Views: 958

Re: Develop VLC plugin using .dll or .so instead of .a

Is it possile to use LoadLibraryExW to replace LoadLibraryW in src/win32/plugin.c in VLC project? Currently DLL called by plugin dll have to be placed in system directory or vlc top directory. If use LoadLibraryExW, DLL can put together with plugin dll. I tried it, but vlc does no work due to some o...
by flybirdinsky
10 Nov 2016 07:48
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Develop VLC plugin using .dll or .so instead of .a
Replies: 3
Views: 958

Re: Develop VLC plugin using .dll or .so instead of .a

Solved. Above my solution is almost right. The issue is the location of second DLL referenced by vlc_plugin DLL. emm...., that is the common problem, i.e. DLL call another DLL. After solving the DLL position problem, VLC works. HAHA.... I can just update decoder core DLL without rebuilding whole VLC...
by flybirdinsky
09 Nov 2016 05:51
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Develop VLC plugin using .dll or .so instead of .a
Replies: 3
Views: 958

Develop VLC plugin using .dll or .so instead of .a

I developed my VLC plugin with .a library successfuly. But when I change to a dll or so file, that plugin is not found by VLC. For example, I have a libcodec.dll and libcodec.dll.a. Based on previous successful VLC plugin (for .a static lib) project, 1. I change dll la file as below dlname='libcodec...

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