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by noreallyitsme
29 Dec 2016 03:35
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: TrueHD codec support?
Replies: 0
Views: 372

TrueHD codec support?

I'm trying to play a file on a Sony 850d via a USB stick and the audio is cutting in and out. Other players (Archos) have said it's missing the truehd codec. Could a lack of truehd codec be causing this audio issue? Video plays okay (stretched) but wouldn't play over smb so at least it's a step in t...
by noreallyitsme
16 Oct 2016 03:48
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Question about streaming 4K video from network to Android TV app
Replies: 3
Views: 501

Re: Question about streaming 4K video from network to Android TV app

I have a Sony KD55X8507C connected to a gigabyte router via a cable. VLC can play 4K videos shared over SMB. Sometimes you can notice stutters. Once a subtitle is enabled, the stutters become much more frequent. I just tried streaming the fifth element via SMB (90GB) and it was unplayable with exce...
by noreallyitsme
14 Oct 2016 04:39
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Question about streaming 4K video from network to Android TV app
Replies: 3
Views: 501

Question about streaming 4K video from network to Android TV app

If I have a 4K movie on my local network that VLC (running on a Sony tv running android tv) will it be able to play the video in full 4K? Or am I better off attaching a USB to the tv and having vlc play it from there? Or is there no difference?
by noreallyitsme
23 Sep 2016 21:38
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Looking for VLC for Android testers
Replies: 18
Views: 964

Re: Looking for VLC for Android testers

Just got a new tv that has android 5.1 on it (waiting for an update to 6.0) and just happily signed up to help test :)

Thanks for all your work on this, it's a fantastic tool!
by noreallyitsme
23 Sep 2016 21:34
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Simple list view to avoid filename truncation?
Replies: 3
Views: 595

Re: Simple list view to avoid filename truncation?

I'll rework this view, to get better cards. It will be for next major release of VLC. Awesome! Thanks so much! Right now you have to click+hold to see the full file name, then exit out if it's not the right file and scroll back to the next file. Is there a way when you are making this update to rem...

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