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by Henry Remsen
06 Aug 2016 15:42
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Transcode Minidisc .aea Files to 32-bit WAV
Replies: 3
Views: 549

Re: Transcode Minidisc .aea Files to 32-bit WAV

Jean-Baptiste, Thank you for your reply. So what is s32l? (A setting in VLC or are you referring to something else?) In VLC I had a choice of 32-bit integer or 32-bit floating point and chose floating point. Specifically: In VLC 2.0.9 (not the latest) I followed these steps in the Streaming/Transcod...
by Henry Remsen
02 Aug 2016 00:00
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Transcode Minidisc .aea Files to 32-bit WAV
Replies: 3
Views: 549

Transcode Minidisc .aea Files to 32-bit WAV

Hi folks, anyone have experience transcoding native .aea files from a MiniDisc to 32-bit uncompressed floating point? I was able to upload using a USB-connected Sony MZ-RH1 via QHiMDTransfer for Mac OS, then opened the files in VLC. Successfully saved using Streaming/Transcoding Wizard but I have no...

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