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by Kristop
21 Feb 2021 22:55
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Chromecast Audio Only
Replies: 3
Views: 897

Re: Chromecast Audio Only

Hello, I realize this question has already been asked in 2018. I would like to play a video on VLC while sending only the audio to a ChromeCast Audio. I see you mention sync, do you refer to latency ? There is a latency for the audio on CCA (1/2 to 1 second in my case), so the next problem would be ...
by Kristop
21 Feb 2021 22:37
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Chromecast Audio renderer stops local video playback
Replies: 1
Views: 848

Re: Chromecast Audio renderer stops local video playback

I have the same question, it would be great to just send the audio to a CCA and keep seeing the video on VLC. In fact it's the only way to watch a DVD, when using a CCA !
by Kristop
21 Feb 2021 22:29
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Cast to video on Chromecast but keep audio on phone
Replies: 1
Views: 234

Re: Cast to video on Chromecast but keep audio on phone

I have the dual request: send the audio to a ChromeCast Audio, but keep video on VLC on my PC !
So that I can watch a DVD. Didn't find how to do that, the video and the audio are both rendered to the ChromeCast, even if it is an audio CC.
by Kristop
10 Jun 2019 14:45
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Transcode a video in Yuv 4:4:4 high bitrate
Replies: 0
Views: 349

Transcode a video in Yuv 4:4:4 high bitrate

Hi, I am trying to convert videos with a very high bitrate (between 100 et 450Mbps). They are coded in Yuv Planar 4:4:4, Yuv444p (I repeat this for the search tool of this forum which requires 6 letters!). I have some problems: - I cannot set the bitrate or the quality for the mp4/H264 codec in the ...
by Kristop
26 Jun 2018 23:41
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Impossible to set a bitrate when converting to H264
Replies: 1
Views: 664

Impossible to set a bitrate when converting to H264

Hi, I am trying to convert a video (in fact apply a rotation, but that's not the point), so I use the convert/save Menu, I select an input video, I select the Video H264 MP4 profile, and then I enter a bitrate value (5000 for instance) in the video Codec part, but when I save the bitrate goes back t...
by Kristop
01 Aug 2016 16:32
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: video problems using H264 profiles
Replies: 1
Views: 579

video problems using H264 profiles

Hello, I've captured a video stream through a capture board, using Yuv coding, in HD 1080p 60Hz, with vlc 2.2.4. Using the H264/X264 codec (in a mp4 video), I tried different profiles : - with the "high" profile, the videos can be read by all the video software (AVS, Movie Studio), but I n...
by Kristop
29 Jul 2016 11:56
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Incorrect video size and sampling rate video capture from HW board
Replies: 3
Views: 591

Re: Incorrect video size and sampling rate video capture from HW board

For information, I tried the YUY2 option, and this one works (there is no bottom_up/top_down option in this case).
by Kristop
27 Jul 2016 18:40
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Incorrect video size and sampling rate video capture from HW board
Replies: 3
Views: 591

Re: Incorrect video size and sampling rate video capture from HW board

I've cleared one part of the problem (no more crossbar error by installing the kernel mode of the capture board), but it remains a big problem: - if I set the bottom-up buffer option, a video is recorded, but the aspect ratio is wrong: * all other software than vlc cannot read the file, and gives an...
by Kristop
26 Jul 2016 11:18
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Incorrect video size and sampling rate video capture from HW board
Replies: 3
Views: 591

Incorrect video size and sampling rate video capture from HW board

Hello, Trying to record in a file a video stream using a Datapath Capture board. Got some difficulties (crashes), finally got some results, but crooked. The video stream is in HD 60Hz, and I record in the same format, using H264 codec, sampling rate around 20,000kbps. I had to define a bottom-up buf...

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