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by pmdricihij
16 Jul 2016 23:27
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: Unable to Play YouTube Videos
Replies: 5
Views: 4737

Re: Unable to Play YouTube Videos

Can I download the videos in iOS, or do I need to do that on a computer?
by pmdricihij
14 Jul 2016 17:17
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: Unable to Play YouTube Videos
Replies: 5
Views: 4737

Re: Unable to Play YouTube Videos

Thanks for the reply and explanation. Can you recommend an alternative media player that can play videos at 1.X speed?
by pmdricihij
03 Jul 2016 01:27
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: Support for YouTube
Replies: 1
Views: 451

Support for YouTube

Is support for YouTube videos coming soon or someday?
by pmdricihij
25 Jun 2016 23:53
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: Unable to Play YouTube Videos
Replies: 5
Views: 4737

Unable to Play YouTube Videos

I copied a YouTube URL and pasted it into VLC's Open Network Stream input field. The play button opens for a second but the video doesn't play. I've tried with a dozen different URLs. None will play.

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