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by PhoenixBR
27 May 2016 15:13
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Application crash when use playlist.stop() method
Replies: 3
Views: 664

Re: Application crash when use playlist.stop() method

Hello, tks for reply,
In your vision point what information lack to help me about this question?
I'm new in VLC.

by PhoenixBR
25 May 2016 14:19
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Application crash when use playlist.stop() method
Replies: 3
Views: 664

Application crash when use playlist.stop() method

Hello for all, i'm having a trouble with the Plugin ActiveX where call method playlist.stop()! i'm using Windows 7 Professional and embedded in my Windows Forms application this Plugin 2.2.3 Weatherwax, the video stream work fine, but when i call playlist.stop() the application's thread crash.... Fo...

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