I want to disable the controls because my app is only to watch Streams making the pause, timebar and volume unnecessary for obvious reasons but the volume bar is unnecessary cause i already made an external one. In other words, you have created an overlay with VB.NET? Basically yes. I didn't know t...
How do I install v2.2.1 ActiveX VLC? You can get it here: http://get.videolan.org/vlc/2.2.1/win32/vlc-2.2.1-win32.exe I want to disable the controls because my app is only to watch Streams making the pause, timebar and volume unnecessary for obvious reasons but the volume bar is unnecessary cause i...
Know the last best version where this didnt happen? The UI works fine in version v2.2.1. Btw, the ESC key to exit the fullscreen mode should also work fine in v2.2.2. Another question: Why do you want to disable the controls in fullscreen mode? How do I install v2.2.1 ActiveX VLC? I want to disable...
Im using a very basic ActiveX VLC Plugin. I installed VLC and then added VLC into VB.NET by going into COM Components. So I use it to load livestreams and it works "fine". But not great. The reason im saying this is because I load a .m3u8 file and whenever it lags/buffers/freezes/pauses e....