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by ftclausen
03 Mar 2018 12:36
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: VLC on Apple TV4: no audio on AirPlay (but OK on HDMI and Bluetooth)
Replies: 7
Views: 1654

Re: VLC on Apple TV4: no audio on AirPlay (but OK on HDMI and Bluetooth)

I have this exact same issue too using either the VLC app or the "TVH Client" iOS TV Headend client app that uses VLCKit.

EDIT: The iOS/tvOS TVH Client app is using VLCKit 3.0.1 stable and the audio comes from a DVB-T stream as MP2.
by ftclausen
14 Apr 2016 01:14
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: Airplay audio delay for tvOS
Replies: 14
Views: 12007

Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Hello All, Summary: Is there an option to, ideally automatically, control audio delay on tvOS when the audio is being sent to an Airplay speaker? Background: I'm using VLC both directly (the app itself) and via another other app (VLCKit in beta tvhclient ) but the audio always lags 2 seconds behind ...

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