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by erikcw
15 Jul 2016 21:57
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Having trouble muxing audio into RTSP stream
Replies: 4
Views: 1900

Re: Having trouble muxing audio into RTSP stream

I haven't had any luck. Would love a nudge in the right direction by someone who really knows VLC inside and out....
by erikcw
02 Apr 2016 05:53
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Having trouble muxing audio into RTSP stream
Replies: 4
Views: 1900

Having trouble muxing audio into RTSP stream

I'm trying to setup a Raspberry pi as a baby monitor. I have video working, but can't manage to figure out how to mux in audio from my USB microphone. Specs: Raspberry Pi B+ Raspberry Pi Camera Module USB Microphone # Video Working raspivid -h 972 -w 1296 -fps 12 -br 46 -o - -t 0 | cvlc -v stream://...

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