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by PeterPanino
25 Mar 2016 20:32
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Delphi PasLibVlc: How to get the movie title as a string?
Replies: 2
Views: 1176

Re: Delphi PasLibVlc: How to get the movie title as a string?

OK, you need to PARSE: ThisPasLibVlcMedia := TPasLibVlcMedia.Create(VLCPlayer.VLC, VLCPlayer.GetMediaMrl); try ThisPasLibVlcMedia.Parse; CodeSite.Send('===>>> Title', ThisPasLibVlcMedia.GetMeta(libvlc_meta_Title)); finally ThisPasLibVlcMedia.Free; end; However, this works only with LOCAL media files...
by PeterPanino
20 Mar 2016 15:24
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Delphi PasLibVlc: Issue with SetVideoPosInMs with FLAC files
Replies: 1
Views: 598

Delphi PasLibVlc: Issue with SetVideoPosInMs with FLAC files

I use PasLibVlc 2.2.2 in Delphi 10 Seattle which works well. However, when playing a FLAC file in TPasLibVlcPlayer and using SetVideoPosInMs, after setting the new playback position, the playback position jumps backward or forward a few seconds! For example: PasLibVlcPlayer1.SetVideoPosInMs(60000); ...
by PeterPanino
18 Mar 2016 16:56
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Delphi PasLibVlc: How to get the movie title as a string?
Replies: 2
Views: 1176

Re: Delphi PasLibVlc: How to get the movie title as a string?

In the meantime I have discovered how to supposedly get the video title: ThisPasLibVlcMedia := TPasLibVlcMedia.Create(VLCPlayer.VLC, VLCPlayer.GetMediaMrl); try CodeSite.Send('===>>> Title', ThisPasLibVlcMedia.GetMeta(libvlc_meta_Title)); finally ThisPasLibVlcMedia.Free; end; However, this seems to ...
by PeterPanino
18 Mar 2016 03:29
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Delphi PasLibVlc: How to get the movie title as a string?
Replies: 2
Views: 1176

Delphi PasLibVlc: How to get the movie title as a string?

Hi! I use PasLibVlc 2.2.2 with Delphi 10 Seattle which works perfectly, thank you! But how can I get the video TITLE (aka "movie name") which is displayed as an overlay when PasLibVlcPlayer1.TitleShow = True as a string ? So I don't want to display the movie title with the TitleShow proper...

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