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by Enum
03 Mar 2016 19:06
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Playing BluRays results in crashes
Replies: 2
Views: 570

Re: Playing BluRays results in crashes

Thank you! That gave me another error message, but the more common missing library and I solved it.
I wonder if it is normal, that VLC does not recognize this when "dragging the disc" from "This PC" into the VLC window? Normally that seemed the best way for me and not the menu.
by Enum
03 Mar 2016 11:54
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Playing BluRays results in crashes
Replies: 2
Views: 570

Playing BluRays results in crashes

Hello dear forum members, everytime I try to play the BluRay "Rammstein in Amerika" (which undoubtably runs well for a lot of people) I get the message: "The format of 'file:///H://BDMV/AUXDATA/_dsa_version_' cannot be detected.". Afterwardes VLC crashes. The named file is a text...

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