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by rapdum
19 Dec 2006 01:25
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: snapshot ans VLC 0.8.6
Replies: 0
Views: 1131

snapshot ans VLC 0.8.6

I saw that on the changelog:

* All
* New hotkeys for crop and zoom
* Support for snapshots from the HTTP interface

but I didn't find wich command to do a snapshot...
And I would like to know if It's possible to take one while streaming without duplication on the computer

thx rapdum
by rapdum
20 Oct 2006 12:00
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Transcoding x264 to MPEG2
Replies: 8
Views: 2954

Great news, Let's hope it will be corrected in the next VLC release
by rapdum
30 Sep 2006 20:44
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Transcoding x264 to MPEG2
Replies: 8
Views: 2954

I have the same issue. I can't succeed to transcode an H264 AAC file to an MP2V stream. I'm Using this really nice piece of software : VLC 0.85 under XP. Here is my playlist. (I duplicate video to see the result ) The resulting image is made of big slobbery square.. My processor reaches 98 % of use ...

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