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by gjactat
12 Jan 2016 00:56
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: UPNP file selection issue when subfolders
Replies: 2
Views: 252

Re: UPNP file selection issue when subfolders

Thanks for your answer!
Great software by the way!
by gjactat
03 Jan 2016 11:47
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: UPNP file selection issue when subfolders
Replies: 2
Views: 252

UPNP file selection issue when subfolders

Hello, I play videos from an UPNP server. If the current folder contains subfolders and files, the file that is eventually played is not the one I selected. It seems that the subfolders count is wrongly taken in account and induces kind of a shift. So, if I have three subfolders and ten files in the...

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