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by adrianc1982
15 Dec 2015 06:46
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: android MediaPlayerBuffering how to?
Replies: 2
Views: 1288

Re: android MediaPlayerBuffering how to?

are there any other forums that discuss libvlc for android?
by adrianc1982
30 Nov 2015 03:27
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: android MediaPlayerBuffering how to?
Replies: 2
Views: 1288

android MediaPlayerBuffering how to?

hello, i would like to open an http stream and get the buffering percentage. Im really lost on how to accomplish this, can anyone point me in the right direction or paste a snippet of code? Currently i only have something like this: public void onEvent(MediaPlayer.Event event) { VideoActivity player...
by adrianc1982
20 Oct 2015 19:16
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Android Forced Hardware Acceleration disables embebbed subtiles
Replies: 3
Views: 938

Re: Android Forced Hardware Acceleration disables embebbed subtiles

apparently this error only occurs on FireStick, i will keep testing and posting my results Android Studio logs show this: 10-20 09:31:42.945 5164-7392/com.example.monokuma E/VLC: [59c0cbd0] blend blend: no matching alpha blending routine (chroma: RGBA -> ANOP) 10-20 09:31:42.945 5164-7392/com.exampl...
by adrianc1982
20 Oct 2015 00:34
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Android Forced Hardware Acceleration disables embebbed subtiles
Replies: 3
Views: 938

Android Forced Hardware Acceleration disables embebbed subtiles

Hi guys, im working with libvlc 1.6.4 on android. If I do this.. Media m = new Media(libvlc, myUri); m.setHWDecoderEnabled(true, true); I lose subtitles but if i do this.. Media m = new Media(libvlc, myUri); m.setHWDecoderEnabled(true, false); I get the embebbed subtitles automatically shown in the ...

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