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by liacat
13 Oct 2015 12:32
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: libvlc_new return 0 on windows xp
Replies: 2
Views: 366

Re: libvlc_new return 0 on windows xp

yes, vlc 3.0 don't support xp.
in plugin.c function module_Load calls api SetThreadErrorMode which is exsit from win7.
i delete SetThreadErrorMode call. recompile the vlc. and vlc can run on xp.
by liacat
10 Oct 2015 09:30
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: libvlc_new return 0 on windows xp
Replies: 2
Views: 366

libvlc_new return 0 on windows xp

i have successfully complied vlc 3.0.0 for windows on ubuntu 15.04(Mingw-w64 toolchain). i copy the vlc-3.0.0-git folder to windows 7; vlc.exe runs ok. i copy the vlc-3.0.0-git folder to windows xp; vlc.exe run fail: a message box popup: "VLC media player could not start. Either the command lin...

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