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by xuanvuongspkt
01 Aug 2015 09:43
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: some question about snapshot
Replies: 2
Views: 630

Re: some question about snapshot

Hi, are you have a answer for your problem ? Can you share it to me
Thanks !!!
by xuanvuongspkt
01 Aug 2015 06:18
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Generating C# DLLs for VLC ActiveX plugin
Replies: 5
Views: 7167

Re: Generating C# DLLs for VLC ActiveX plugin

Hello, I'm develop my system to get camera from DRV. by using C# I'm using RTSP in VLC to show it. I'm using Vlc DotNet for WinForm & WPF and VLC-2.2.2 built by linux And I get problem when get --aspect-ratio 1:1 and can't take snapshot to bitmap to process before save file to dics How can I do ...
by xuanvuongspkt
01 Aug 2015 06:10
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Vlc.DotNet Propblem Aspect ratio and Snapshot to bitmap
Replies: 1
Views: 581

Vlc.DotNet Propblem Aspect ratio and Snapshot to bitmap

hi, I'm using VLC.DotNet to connect my DVR using RTSP strem,
I get problem when set --aspect-ratio=1:1 but it not success
How can I fix it !!!
And How can I take snapshot to bitmap memory don't save to file with it !
Thanks all !!!
by xuanvuongspkt
12 Jul 2015 04:27
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Build only libvlc
Replies: 5
Views: 1616

Re: Build only libvlc

Can I only build libvlc in windows ?
I want to add function libvlc_video_take_snapshot_addr to lib
I tried to build all by using Win32CompileMSYS but it error

How can I do it !
Thanks for all !
by xuanvuongspkt
05 Jul 2015 10:58
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: In VB.NET VLCPlugin Freezing (Important for me)
Replies: 2
Views: 818

Re: In VB.NET VLCPlugin Freezing (Important for me)

I have similar error with C# :(
Any body can help !!!

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