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by wannabesrevenge
04 Jul 2015 18:24
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC randomly closing. Segmentation fault while playing AVI on Arch
Replies: 1
Views: 627

VLC randomly closing. Segmentation fault while playing AVI on Arch

Arch Linux with Kernel 4.0.5 VLC version 2.2.1 (just reinstalled yesterday) i3 tiling WM This has happened running vanilla VLC. I open a directory containing many subdirectories that contain a single *.avi file in each subdirectory. This begins playing the videos. I skip ahead videos to find the rig...
by wannabesrevenge
04 Jul 2015 07:36
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC isn't logging anything
Replies: 9
Views: 4521

Re: VLC isn't logging anything

Bump. GUI-based logging setting is not working for me either. I'm currently on Arch 4.0.5 with VLC 2.2.1 . Log file is set to /home/{home}/log/vlc.log . Log format text. syslog ident vlc. syslog facility user. verbosity 2. Restarted vlc multiple times. tried higher verbosity, seems like 2 is the hig...

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