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by romanr9999
08 Oct 2015 19:20
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: VoD Rewind not working
Replies: 0
Views: 193

VoD Rewind not working

Hello all. I'm trying to setup a VoD server and I get the videos played, I can play, pause, stop and Fast Forward. The problem is when I try to go back in the timeline, the video is lost for a few minutes and the timeline continues as if it were properly showing the video from the point it was suppo...
by romanr9999
30 Sep 2015 18:42
Forum: VLM
Topic: VOD server with play forward and rewind
Replies: 4
Views: 5813

Re: VOD server with play forward and rewind

Hi. Has this changed? I'm trying to use VLC 2.1.1 for VoD and I can play the file with no problem and even jump forward in the timeline. The problem is when I try to go back in timeline the client shows no video for a few minutes even when the timeline continues as if the video would be playing from...

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