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by abdolahsa
13 Oct 2015 16:45
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: thumbnail of videos in list item widget
Replies: 1
Views: 327

thumbnail of videos in list item widget

I've created an application which uses libvlc to show my video, I want to create a list of videos such that when someone clicks on an item, that item be played on the main widget, but also I need to show a preview(video thumbnail) in list widget for each item, how can I do that ? do I must play all ...
by abdolahsa
17 Aug 2015 12:02
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Video effects in libvlc
Replies: 1
Views: 327

Video effects in libvlc

In vlc there are some video effects which I cannot find them in libvlc, when I open a video in vlc I can go to "Tools->Effect and Filters ->Video Effects" and then there are many video effects which I can use , such as negating the color or denoisers or posterizing,etc. Is there any way to...
by abdolahsa
06 Jul 2015 08:14
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Access raw data of player
Replies: 3
Views: 342

Re: Access raw data of player

can you please write an example ? I've no experience in writing callbacks...
by abdolahsa
27 Jun 2015 06:43
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Seek to a position before playing
Replies: 1
Views: 774

Seek to a position before playing

I want to seek to a position before playing a video : player= new VlcMediaPlayer(instance); player->setPosition(pos); player->setTime(time); player->play(); but it does not work and instead I used this code: player= new VlcMediaPlayer(instance); player->play(); player->setPosition(pos); player->setT...
by abdolahsa
25 Jun 2015 07:23
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Access raw data of player
Replies: 3
Views: 342

Access raw data of player

I used LibVLC with Qt to play a video file while another app is writing to the file and updates it, when there isn't enough data available in the file my program waits for some times and then continues playing. I don't know how to implement above scenario.(playing file while the file is online updat...

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