Sorry for my time to answer, I was in the middle of an acquisition.
I can't decrease becauce it has frozen during my last 17hours of recording. That's my priority, so I can't use this parameter for deal with latency.
If i increase network caching over 3000 that's work, thanks a lot ! It seems a big value for me. The only problem staying is about the delay, around 3 seconds, how can I change that if it's possible ? Although when I play the recording with VLC it seems to have some problems to read it : some pixel ...
Are you sure of that ? because my medical polysomnographic recorder by Somnomedic gives me H264 video and aac audio mux in asf. Why would it be impossible ?
Even so, i did try with .ts mux and it still the same problem.
Hi every body, first post in that forum, really sorry if i'm doing something wrong First of all I want to say that VLC is a bad-ass software, this is really great to use this tool. But I think I don't really know how to use it... I'm trying to transcode and display my transcoding stream. My command ...
I encounter the same problem, using the same VLC version. Did you finally manage to display while recording without freezing ?
Early thank for your reply