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by nagyv
01 Apr 2015 14:46
Forum: VLM
Topic: How save video segment of X minute and jpg shot every Y seconds from multiple live rtsp streamings
Replies: 2
Views: 5307

Re: How save video segment of X minute and jpg shot every Y seconds from multiple live rtsp streamings

for jpeg part you can use the scene video filter, however I have not tried it in VLM mode
by nagyv
01 Apr 2015 14:44
Forum: VLM
Topic: How save video segment of X minute and jpg shot every Y seconds from multiple live rtsp streamings
Replies: 2
Views: 5307

Re: How save video segment of X minute and jpg shot every Y seconds from multiple live rtsp streamings

you can use the scheduling function like this for the video part: !!!always put the stop schedule first for each channel, so the last play will be valid on startup hence giving a good initial file. this will create 15 minutes files with 2s gaps between new sch_channelname_stop schedule enabled setup...
by nagyv
18 Mar 2015 13:02
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC 2.2.0 format strings in file output module
Replies: 1
Views: 261

VLC 2.2.0 format strings in file output module

VLC does not create file names based on format strings given by %Y,%m,%d,%H,%M,%S variables.
I experienced it both in VLM an in command line mode.

Files are created as XXXXXX-%Y-%m-%d.mp4 for example.


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