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by skippyV
09 Apr 2015 21:20
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: marquee stops working after add_option duplicate
Replies: 4
Views: 691

Re: marquee stops working after add_option duplicate

Granted I am a newbie to libVLC and video processing in general - but I thought the question was quite clear. Maybe some background will make it clearer. I have an IP camera streaming video over the LAN where my computer - running the application of the code above - displays the output stream. If I ...
by skippyV
09 Apr 2015 18:31
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: marquee stops working after add_option duplicate
Replies: 4
Views: 691

Re: marquee stops working after add_option duplicate

Can you point me to a tutorial or sample that demonstrates decoding the video while applying a filter - intrinsically?
by skippyV
09 Apr 2015 16:45
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: marquee stops working after add_option duplicate
Replies: 4
Views: 691

marquee stops working after add_option duplicate

Hello, I posted this question in a different forum on but it got no responses. Perhaps this question is more suited for this forum. Using version libVLC 2.0.6 (x64 on Windows 7) to capture an RTSP camera stream and display it in a C# WPF app. Goal is to play the video on the app while r...
by skippyV
18 Mar 2015 14:58
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: marquee stops working after add_option duplicate
Replies: 1
Views: 300

Re: marquee stops working after add_option duplicate

I pulled out the calls and put them in a simple C application in the hopes that someone will try it out and say 'hey it worked for me' or 'yeah it didn't work for me either'. // Vlc_ConsoleApp.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio...
by skippyV
15 Mar 2015 21:22
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: marquee stops working after add_option duplicate
Replies: 1
Views: 300

marquee stops working after add_option duplicate

Hello, Using version 2.0.6 to capture an RTSP camera stream and display it in a C# WPF app. Goal is to play the video on the app while recording it to file and to put a custom marquee on the video. This is the order of instructions used (minus the marshalling of C# strings to byte arrays). string pl...

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