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by SnahVLC
02 Feb 2015 18:34
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Stream local Video to HDTV with DLNA
Replies: 2
Views: 1205

Re: Stream local Video to HDTV with DLNA

Hi Jean-Baptiste, Thanks for your quick response. Sorry that it don't work with PLEX. But can I also do it without PLEX. So stream direct a local video stored on Windows7 PC or WD MyCloud to my HDTV or (even better) to blueray player? I have tried to set this up with VLC but so far with no luck. Kin...
by SnahVLC
31 Jan 2015 19:47
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Stream local Video to HDTV with DLNA
Replies: 2
Views: 1205

Stream local Video to HDTV with DLNA

Hi, I have a windows 7 PC (more or less for games etc) a windows 8.1 laptop and a WD MyCloud (3 TB). All connected with a LAN and WiFi netwerk. In the same network I have a HDTV, a Settop box and and Blueray player all three with DLNA. At this moment I'm using plex mediaplayer (software) to play mos...

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