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by harrisclinton
20 Jan 2015 12:33
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Get media_player to actually read media without playing it
Replies: 3
Views: 578

Re: Get media_player to actually read media without playing

Did you try to force parsing? libvlc_media_parse or libvlc_media_parse_async Yes, this worked perfectly, thanks! I grabbed the media object from the player and was able to do a synchronous parse on it to get the length in milliseconds and other metadata. This lets me set up a progress bar for insta...
by harrisclinton
19 Jan 2015 13:22
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Get media_player to actually read media without playing it
Replies: 3
Views: 578

Get media_player to actually read media without playing it

Hi, I've been writing an application in Gtk+3/Gstreamer/Python to manage a collection of videos and was unable to figure out Gstreamer's pipeline definitions to the extent that I could consistently get every video to play irrespective of format/codec etc. Therefore I am migrating to use the vlc Pyth...

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