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by Tavok
09 Jan 2015 01:24
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Frame capture VLC 2.1.5 filename
Replies: 5
Views: 640

Re: Frame capture VLC 2.1.5 filename

Just posted this in another thread that I think it is a bug in the newer builds. The snapshot prefixes all worked after installing version 0.9.9 Grishenko, though I'm not sure if this is limited to Windows or not.
by Tavok
09 Jan 2015 01:08
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Timestamp of snapshot
Replies: 8
Views: 3157

Re: Timestamp of snapshot

This does appear to be a bug in later builds. This was happening to me in the TwoFlower builds and persists into the current build (2.1.5 Rincewind). I installed an earlier version on my VM (0.9.9 Grishenko) and the prefixes all work once I save and re-open VLC.
by Tavok
09 Jan 2015 00:22
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Global Hotkeys with Multiple Instances?
Replies: 1
Views: 438

Global Hotkeys with Multiple Instances?

Hi, I would like to have a couple videos start playing at exactly the same time without having to manually sync them, but the Global Hotkeys only register to one instance. Is it possible to have the Global Hotkeys affect more than once running instance of VLC? If not, is there another way I can do t...

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