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by norel
12 Jan 2015 11:33
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Reading videos from the iOS native photo gallery
Replies: 3
Views: 368

Re: Reading videos from the iOS native photo gallery

Thanks for your answer, I had to use another player for those files :)
by norel
07 Jan 2015 14:53
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Reading videos from the iOS native photo gallery
Replies: 3
Views: 368

Reading videos from the iOS native photo gallery

Hi all, I am trying to read videos from the iOS native photo gallery with MobileVLCKit. (Media readable in the Photo application, coming from the Camera) In the current version, I use AVPlayer, which reads local assets using asset URIs. Example of asset URI : assets-library://asset/asset.MOV?id=1000...
by norel
06 Jan 2015 15:40
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: VLCKit for iOS stops playing when app is in background
Replies: 2
Views: 1907

Re: VLCKit for iOS stops playing when app is in background

Actually the simulator on iOS7 doesn't handle background playing very well. (thanks Apple!)

I used a MobileVLCKit build for iOS devices and it worked perfectly on iPhones/iPad.

Closed thread :)
by norel
06 Jan 2015 14:28
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Reading m3u8 files containing special characters
Replies: 5
Views: 1250

Re: Reading m3u8 files containing special characters

According to this article, the character "/" is a valid character for parameter names and values : Special characters in URL seem to be more complex than...
by norel
06 Jan 2015 11:20
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Reading m3u8 files containing special characters
Replies: 5
Views: 1250

Re: Reading m3u8 files containing special characters

To simplify the problem, it just seems that VLC takes into account the "/" that are contained in the URL parameter "SESSIONID". And it thinks that they still are part of the path. I tried to make a patch for VLC that just ignores what is after the "?" so that the parame...
by norel
30 Dec 2014 14:18
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: VLCKit for iOS stops playing when app is in background
Replies: 2
Views: 1907

VLCKit for iOS stops playing when app is in background

Hi all, I try to make VLC to continue playing when my application is in the background but it doesn't work. I already use AVPlayer and it works fine, but not with VLC. My info.plist is already configured with the "UIBackgroundModes" value containing "audio", and my code is also u...
by norel
19 Dec 2014 11:22
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Reading m3u8 files containing special characters
Replies: 5
Views: 1250

Reading m3u8 files containing special characters

Hi, I have troubles with reading HLS streams with special characters with VLC. VLC seems to build the url strangely, it doesn't seem to replace the correct parts. When the URL prefixes in the m3u8 are simpler, the stream works perfectly, but not in my case when I need to send complex authentificatio...

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