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by gcdu45
03 Jan 2015 19:04
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: GPU decoding with LibVLC on Windows
Replies: 4
Views: 2111

Re: GPU decoding with LibVLC on Windows

Thank you, it works perfectly ;)
by gcdu45
08 Nov 2014 15:43
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: GPU decoding with LibVLC on Windows
Replies: 4
Views: 2111

GPU decoding with LibVLC on Windows

Hi, I'm trying to activate GPU decoding in LibVLC (from vlc-2.2.0-rc1-20141107-0204) to use it in my program. After some research, i've seen on many topics that we need to use "avcodec-hw" to activate GPU decoding so I tried many things such as: - Pass avcodec-hw parameter to LibVLC : cons...

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