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by adsanzh
22 Dec 2014 21:47
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Get Snapshots vlcj
Replies: 0
Views: 224

Get Snapshots vlcj

Hi, I'm trying to make a program that reads an input from a web server (mms://) and get snapshots. I don't want to show the video at any moment, then I can't use the EmbeddedMediaPlayerComponent. But I can't find any good information about the others media players, examples and so on. Could anyone h...
by adsanzh
06 Nov 2014 01:28
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Asynchronous video streaming
Replies: 0
Views: 360

Asynchronous video streaming

I'm using a hardware that captures a video from a camera. That hardware creates a video file when it is reading the camera input (I'm able to configure that video, video codec, audio codec, compressed, uncompressed, etc). I want to do a streaming with VLC of that file, but VLC is unnable to open the...

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