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by jaynv0i
12 Aug 2014 05:59
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Setting Image Duration in Playlist
Replies: 4
Views: 2650

Re: Setting Image Duration in Playlist

Thank you very much for your help. This is exactly what I was looking for.
by jaynv0i
11 Aug 2014 19:01
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Setting Image Duration in Playlist
Replies: 4
Views: 2650

Re: Setting Image Duration in Playlist

Is it possible to set a different duration for each fixed image being displayed? If so, how?

Thank you,

by jaynv0i
11 Aug 2014 14:52
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Setting Image Duration in Playlist
Replies: 4
Views: 2650

Setting Image Duration in Playlist

I am trying to set the duration each image in a playlist is displayed, but have not been able to do so. The time the image is displayed always defaults to the first time in the playlist. Following is the playlist I am using. The playlist was created using VLC and I modified the duration field. [code...

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