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by GrzegorzWirtVest
01 Sep 2014 13:57
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Server RTSP streaming with Vlclib
Replies: 5
Views: 1267

Re: Server RTSP streaming with Vlclib

Do you plan to enable RTSP 2.0 support in vlc?
by GrzegorzWirtVest
29 Aug 2014 14:50
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Server RTSP streaming with Vlclib
Replies: 5
Views: 1267

Re: Server RTSP streaming with Vlclib

I got it working fine. We needed to change otuput and input stream ports. I wanted to protect the stream with key and salt. We are generating it on server side and sending it to client. It seems that vlc has problems with them. It's hanging up on client when executing vlccontrol with set key nad sal...
by GrzegorzWirtVest
30 Jul 2014 11:06
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Server RTSP streaming with Vlclib
Replies: 5
Views: 1267

Server RTSP streaming with Vlclib

I am working on modyfying our communication serwer to work with vlc rtsp streaming. I am using vlc 2.1.3 on client and server side. I can't properly setup comunication. Server is struggling to open stream from client. sample code from server VlcControl tempVlc2 = new VlcControl(); LocationMedia temp...

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