Hi, I using VB6 and try to receive a stream from other PC, and use the following code VLCPlugin4.addTarget "udp://@", Null, VLCPlayListInsertAndGo, -666 Then I try to mute the audio at the very beginning, so the next line is VLCPlugin2.toggleMute But it didn't work, the recivin...
I use VLC 0.8.5 (tried 0.8.6a as well), I found that when I steam my asf video file, the first 2 seconds and the last 2 seconds was cut in the client side (PC which receiving stream).
Hi, By vlc media play, I add parameters to video size by 640x480 It did capture a video with 640 x 480 but when I use ActiveX control, it come out to 320x240, the following is my paramter dshow:// :dshow-vdev="" :dshow-adev="" :dshow-size="320x240" Any thing wrong with ...
Hi, I use VLC media player to capture video from my usb web cam, at video size option I enter 640x480 (the web cam support 640x480), and it did save a video in 640x480. However when I use ActiveX control in VB6 by the following parameter :dshow-size="640x480" It not work, video is saved bu...
hi dionoea thanks for your reply! but I still have some problem. by windows's VLC player I can find option for sfilter so I try to add sfilter=logo at the following command line at target box :sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=1024,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=192,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{acc...
Hi I can use logo overlay option and successfully add a logo over my video, I capture video from my usb cam, at the same time I write the file locally, but even though I check "subtitles overlay" option, the logo can't print on the output video file? Is there anyway to add a logo over the ...
Hi, I use VLC 0.8.6 , I can play locally and save the file by video size 640x480, but when I use VLCplugin in my VB program using the following parameter, the video size of the save file is only 174x144 dshow:// :dshow-vdev="" :dshow-adev="" :dshow-size="640x480" anythi...