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by Max Mustermann
09 Jul 2014 11:02
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: VLC shows crypted window title where other tools show proper
Replies: 3
Views: 477

Re: VLC shows crypted window title where other tools show pr

I'm not sure whether this is a bug. Note, when this file is processed by a TCL script the chattr command executed by the script extracts all headers and there the same thing happens breaking my script. I need to find the way this header is created to reconstruct the creation and see whether this hap...
by Max Mustermann
30 Jun 2014 16:31
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: VLC shows crypted window title where other tools show proper
Replies: 3
Views: 477

VLC shows crypted window title where other tools show proper

Hello, somebody can tell me from where VLC fetches the title information of an MP3 file? I have an issue with VLC showing crypted title in window title bar for some files. However, none of the tools i used to investigate the tag fields confirms a crypted title. So, obviously VLC fetches this informa...

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