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by steiney
17 Jul 2024 20:52
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: Subtitles don't display for first ~20 seconds
Replies: 0
Views: 1060

Subtitles don't display for first ~20 seconds

I'm on macOS 13 on an M1 Mac Mini. I recently noticed that, for subtitles programmed in their container file to be displayed by default, they don't begin to display until roughly 20 seconds of the video have elapsed. And for subtitles not set to display by default, they don't begin to display until ...
by steiney
07 Feb 2024 21:08
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: HELP PLEASE - Hotkeying "Toggle Marquee Overlay"
Replies: 1
Views: 346

Re: HELP PLEASE - Hotkeying "Toggle Marquee Overlay"

Sorry to bump such an old thread but I just found your post searching for a solution to the exact same issue. Were you ever able to figure out a solution to enable creation of a keyboard shortcut for showing and hiding the OSD and/or marquee?
by steiney
15 Jun 2014 05:49
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Finer Scrubbing Control For Video Transport On Macbook Pro
Replies: 0
Views: 432

Finer Scrubbing Control For Video Transport On Macbook Pro

Hello all, Long time VLC user, first time poster. I just thought to look for this forum. I've always wanted to have finer control over how the Macbook Pro touch pad scrolls the timeline when you move side to side with two fingers. QuickTime really excels at this feature, actually. QuickTime's scroll...

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