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by Pumar
12 Jun 2014 09:39
Forum: VLM
Topic: VLM saving settings
Replies: 4
Views: 2032

Re: VLM saving settings

I've made a little script that connects by telnet and save settings, maybe someone can use it in the future (as I've just realized that vlc doesn't support KLV...). It also adds "control broadcastname play" to the end of file so it will automatically play after reboot. #! /home/user NOW=$(...
by Pumar
12 Jun 2014 09:32
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Streaming MPEG2-TS with Video + KLV elementary stream
Replies: 3
Views: 3535

Re: Streaming MPEG2-TS with Video + KLV elementary stream

Isn't there any way? Some workaround maybe? I need only to pass through data with vlc (vlm) nothing else..
by Pumar
05 Jun 2014 16:12
Forum: VLM
Topic: VLM saving settings
Replies: 4
Views: 2032

Re: VLM saving settings

Unfortunately when I try to manually export it I get this error:

Error loading /vlm_export.html

[string "/usr/share/vlc/lua/http/vlm_export.html"]:8: attempt to index field 'vlm' (a function value)
by Pumar
03 Jun 2014 09:27
Forum: VLM
Topic: VLM saving settings
Replies: 4
Views: 2032

Re: VLM saving settings

Maybe if automatic saving settings is not possible, I could do some kind of button that would manually save settings. However still loading settings after restart should be automatic.
by Pumar
22 May 2014 11:33
Forum: VLM
Topic: VLM saving settings
Replies: 4
Views: 2032

VLM saving settings

Hi everyone:) I'm setting server that is supposed to playout multicasts. VLM seems perfect for this purpose however I'm struggling with one thing - it will be used by multiple users that don't want to write in command lines. vlm.http looks really nice but it doesn't save settings. If I set multiple ...

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