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by Mtnbkrsd
12 Apr 2014 10:57
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: Download Error when app screen closes - won't download
Replies: 3
Views: 3115

Re: Download Error when app screen closes - won't download

Also..... not sure if this makes any difference, but I also have the same VLC Player on my iPhone 5 (before I downloaded it to iPad) and I just tried and got the same result on my iPhone. Once the screen closes I get an error and the download is canceled. =(
by Mtnbkrsd
12 Apr 2014 10:25
Forum: VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV
Topic: Download Error when app screen closes - won't download
Replies: 3
Views: 3115

Download Error when app screen closes - won't download

My GF and I just got iPad Mini's, hers is 64gb Gen 1 mine is 64gb Gen 2 Retina, both brand new still in the wrappers, on the most current iOS7 update. I uploaded VLC Player on hers, synced it to our Google Drive acct and can freely download content perfectly and quickly. Next I install same VLC app ...

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