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by rishi
09 Mar 2014 07:31
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: vlc web plugin does not play file with format BVOP =yes
Replies: 1
Views: 1966

Re: vlc web plugin does not play file with format BVOP =yes

hi what I have found out is after changing the demux parameter to av format (Tools->Preferences->select all->input codecs->demuxers->demux module to Acformat demuxer) the file plays correctly in vlc... but how to pass this parameter to vlc web plugin...plz help.. I am stuck
by rishi
04 Mar 2014 10:53
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: vlc web plugin does not play file with format BVOP =yes
Replies: 1
Views: 1966

vlc web plugin does not play file with format BVOP =yes

i have a TS file which i whant to play using vlc web plugin. The ts file plays fine in ffmpeg but it does not play in vlc player and vlc web plugin If i cut the file using ffmpeg and then play it using vlc it works fine. The information using mediainfo is as follows: For the original file Video ID :...

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