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by jezztek
10 Oct 2014 10:00
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Auto expand folders to allow dynamic multi-folder lists
Replies: 2
Views: 1004

Auto expand folders to allow dynamic multi-folder lists

Howdy, Lets say I have a playlist composed of 10 directories (folder_1, folder_2, folder_3, etc...), each with 100 files in them, I would like to be able to simply set VLC to shuffle and play all 1000 files at random by opening the playlist. However in reality it will load the playlist as a set of t...
by jezztek
21 Feb 2014 11:15
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Automatically expanding playlist folders?
Replies: 0
Views: 1159

Automatically expanding playlist folders?

Recent convert from Winamp to VLC but bumping into a problem. My situation: I like having a default playlist of all of my favorite shows on random for background noise. I have all of the shows as separate folders in a master TV folder, but I don't want to play all of them, just my favorites. Also I ...

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