Thanks but I already have a program that can batch rename files but since I generate so many tens of thousands of snapshots from so many different videos every year, doing it that way just isn't an option.
I actually didn't know about it until I requested a password reset email which had it in the email because the name I thought I was using wasn't working.
So by default VLC uses DATE(YYYY-MM-DD)-TIME and there doesn't seem to be a way to change that. I can add a prefix but cant customize default naming it seems. This is what I have so far $A_$N_$T--- So $A doesn't always work and isn't doing what I want. What I want is SNAPSHOT DATE(MM-DD-YYYY)_TIME(H...
I'm pretty sure that when I signed up, I made my username ButtChunx but now it is armadahouse which is definitely not something I would choose as it's not immature and puerile enough for my personality. The only explanations are that my account was hacked (lol) or some snowflake mod changed it. It's...
When I watch videos the video will stop and the audio loops about every 5 seconds. When this happens, I have to kill VLC from the task manager but the process won't terminate until a minute later. I have even deleted my setting file. I am getting very pissed off.
When I watch videos the video will stop and the audio loops about every 5 seconds. When this happens, I have to kill VLC from the task manager but the process won't terminate until a minute later. I am trying to watch a movie and it has happened twice already. I am starting to get very pissed off.
The new DASH videos I am downloading from YouTube with Complete YouTube Saver would not play and so I updated VLC and the video plays but the audio doesn't. I did a test with Complete YouTube Saver and downloaded "" as 720p (MP4) which was the old ...