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by Eon
14 Nov 2013 18:39
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Scene video filter outputting some empty frames
Replies: 3
Views: 5393

Scene video filter outputting some empty frames

I reproduced the issue in VLC v2.1.0 on Windows (8.0) and v2.0.9 (EDIT: and v2.1.1) on Mac (10.9 Maverics). I am referring to the filter/output module called "Scene filter" that outputs frames from a video as images to a specified folder/directory. When I use it on a .mov file (720p @ 30fp...
by Eon
14 Nov 2013 18:26
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Scene video filter outputting some empty frames
Replies: 1
Views: 500

Re: Scene video filter outputting some empty frames

I found that the problem exists on my Mac as well (VLC media player v2.0.9) so I am posting in the general section. I will delete this post within a day or so as it is no longer known to be a Windows specific issue.
by Eon
13 Nov 2013 12:11
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Scene video filter outputting some empty frames
Replies: 1
Views: 500

Scene video filter outputting some empty frames

Using VLC media player v2.1.0. I am referring to the filter called "scene filter" that outputs frames from a video as images to a specified folder/directory. When I use it on a .mov file (720p @ 30fps, recorded on my iPhone) and I want to extract the frames with a recording ratio of 1 (I w...

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