This is interesting... For the experiment, I opened the video "G2M5 - example.wmv" in the hex editor (WinHex). Then find the value 47324d35 (G2M5) and replaced to hex value 47324d34 (G2M4). Was made 582 changes. Then save into the file "G2M5 - example - hex G2M5 replace to G2M4.wmv&qu...
Good day. Recently appeared a new video-codec G2M5, you can see example and setup here . Experiments have shown that the codec G2M5 provides good video quality and small bitrate. Unfortunately, VLC player does not support this codec. It would be good to add support for playback G2M5, and support for...
h264 video -sample. VLC 2.1.3 does not play video (plays audio only). :?: But VLC 1.1.6 plays fine. The experiments showed that VLC can have problems with video playback, if the frequency of video less than 10 frames per second. Test video-file was recorded using "Camtasia Studio 7" (5 fr...
h264 video -sample. VLC 2.1.3 does not play video (plays audio only). :?: It's playing fine for me, movement begins at 0:34 with any player I've tried. Here's the problem VLC (I checked 2.1.0 - 2.1.3) After opening the video-file, VLC 2.1.3 shows the first video-frame (timestamp 00:00) and plays a ...
Do not put H264 in avi. GoToMeeting samples , vlc version 2.1.1 . Command line example: "C:\\Program Files\ vlc-2.1.1 \vlc.exe" -vvv "C:\\g2m4.wmv" :sout=#transcode{vcodec= h264 ,vb=1024,scale=1,fps=15,width=1280,height=1024,acodec= mp4a ,channels=1} :std{access=file,mux= mp4 ,d...
Hello, sorry for my "english". :) Little question. How to convert video webinar "GoToMeeting" (G2M3, G2M4) to another video format, such as h264 ? " C:\\input.wmv " is the input file (G2M4, width=1024, height=768, fps=29.97, WMA2, mono, 44100) Command line example: &quo...